Shop the Preview Sale!

Always hear about people shopping the "preview sale" but you don't know how? There are a few different ways you can shop before the sale is even open to the public....
We have added an entire extra day to the event to have Sunday Feb 6 as our special day for Sellers Preview. Items will be in place with the safety of our shoppers, sellers, helpers and others in mind appropiate to conditions at that time that are needed.

  1. Sign up to become a registered seller. Sellers get to shop during the exclusive Sellers' Preview Event prior to opening day. Crowds are a lot smaller than on the first day and checkout is faster too
    Click here to register to sell
  2. Sign up as a 3-hour helper. Don't have anything to sell yet or on the waiting list but really want to shop the preview? We have a limited number of 3 hour helper spots available at each event. In return for helping to sort items during our check in times or help with our set up, you will receive a pass to allow you to participate in the seller's preview event!
    Click here to become a 3-hour helper

  3. Sign up as a "Regular Helper". Apply to become a 'regular' helper to shop at the Helpers' Preview event (prior to the Sellers' Preview). The more shifts you help -the earlier you will get to shop on preview DAY PLUS many perks!
    Click to become a "regular helper"
  4. Friend us on Facebook. Ok - so not EVERY 'friend' of ours on facebook gets a preview pass - but we HAVE been known to do 'giveaways' and special contests where the prize was a back door pass on preview night!! Plus you will get a lot of other tips and insider info about the sale. It's worth it.
    Click to add us as a friend on Facebook